The website was founded in 1997 and was the first Internet site in the world to bring together the three codes of the racing industry – thoroughbreds, harness and greyhounds – through using the latest advertising and marketing technology available to them – the Internet. A select and loyal clientele comprise the site today – their foresight seeing the benefits that Internet exposure can bring to them.
The website was originally owned by Ipswich businessman Phil Purser whose 40 years experience in the racing industry across the three codes encompasses various roles including bookmakers clerk, owner, trainer, breeder and administrator. He did not take a backward step in bringing to the attention of our readers articles that the other media outlets do not have the intestinal fortitude to deal with. There is no benefit in everyone being patronizing to everyone else.
Now 20 years later, brings you the latest news click and will often carry ground breaking stories – there will be no patronizing – we guarantee to call it like it is. If we get our clients one new customer, tip you a winner or plant a seed to germinate a thought in your mind, we are part of the way to doing our job.
It is up to the individual or business to promote themselves and their products and services, as sadly, the administration of racing via Governments (and their appointed Boards who only play music to the beat of the Government drum) lack initiative, incentive and the necessary marketing skills to complement the country’s 4th largest industry. Governments of all political persuasions are happy to get their percentage of the pie though TAB taxes etc. while putting precious little back. Race club committees are invariably made up of a group of people who cumulatively are flat out coming up with one new idea to improve racing, yet club members complacently let them stay in their position years after the use by date. Governments, committees and race club members all need to rock a few boats because competition for the gambling dollar is so intense that to do nothing will see a great industry and all it’s participants mortally wounded. Any fool can get a crowd to a Melbourne Cup, Stradbroke or Epsom – it’s just the other 99% of the time that’s the problem!
Thank you for taking the time to view the site. Your comments are always valued and constructive criticism is good for a business. Viewer feedback email is set up for that purpose.
What could be more action packed and exciting than Racing?
“May Lady Luck walk with you, and Dame Fortune smile upon you!”